Klara, age 13

Klara, age 13

Type of courses: For children

At the beginning of the course, Klarka was very emotionally unstable. She would shut herself off. There were big disagreements in the family and at school. The care of a psychologist or other therapists did not help much. After initial reluctance to attend classes and learn in general, this changed to interest and willingness to cooperate. The relationship and sharing improved not only with the teacher but also with her mother. She is more self-confident and better able to control her emotions.

Parent Comment:

My daughter had problems at school, emotional instability, fear of insects, problems with food, and was socially less mature. Changes were visible after the first lesson – it can be said that there was an improvement in school, although with Klárka it is still like a swing, but overall there was definitely an improvement. I also notice an improvement in our relationship – frequent hugs, she tells me more and I see the biggest change in emotional control – she is calmer and more balanced. The relationship between us has improved. I finally have open eyes and now know “where the shoe pinches” and how to deal with the challenges.
