Our courses

Our educational courses for children and adults exclusively use the methodology of the Mexican association Viendo por el Mundo.

They can be taken as part of personal development or as conscious work leading to the improvement of various problems or limitations we might have in our life. Whether it is low self-esteem or willpower, mental problems, behavioral disorders, fears, traumas, and others…



EOV COURSE for children aged 6-12

Number of lessons:
Duration of a lesson:
2 hours
Course price:
20 000,– Kč
Mask price:
650,– Kč

In practice, the average person uses only 5% of the capacity of his/her mind. But every human being has many unsuspected abilities that can be developed. Children are no exception. With the EOV methodology, they discover their potential and develop skills that help them on their journey in school, family, and social life.

EOV teaches children to work with the mind, intuition, and expanded consciousness. It is a tool that helps them achieve their goals. At the same time, it teaches them to be more confident, strengthens their willpower and changes their relationship not only to themselves but also to nature and other people.

Through the intensive involvement of parents in the course and the acquisition of recommendations for working with a specific child, the entire family system is changed and moved forward.

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EOV COURSE for children aged 13-21

Number of lessons:
Duration of a lesson:
2 hours
Course price:
20 000,– Kč
Mask price:
650,– Kč

This course is identical to the EOV course for children aged 6-12, with the difference that EOV activation is worked on from the 4th lesson onwards. The reason for this is greater rationality developed by this age, which is not as desirable when working with the mind and intuition.

Recommendations are obtained not only by parents, but also by the student himself, who is already able to consciously follow them.

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Number of lessons:
Duration of a lesson:
1 hour
Course price:
10 000,– Kč

This course is intended for children or teenagers who have already completed the EOV course.

In this course, we strive to deepen the student’s knowledge and abilities in working with the mind, intuition and EOV. We also work on connecting the right and left brain hemispheres.

The main theme of the lessons is the conscious connection of our three Selves:

  1. Human Self – our material body, imperfect, limiting part.
  2. Perfect Self – our energetic body, perfect part at the level of Spirit.
  3. Divine Self – our essential body, our Being.

The goal is to live in these three planes of existence consciously, so that we use them for our own good, but at the same time to be able to function in and understand the world around us.

Number of children in one course is 2 to 3!

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Number of lessons:
Duration of a lesson:
2 hours
Course price:
20 000,– Kč
Mask price:
650,– Kč

The course is different from the EOV course for children because, according to the General Director of Viendo por el Mundo, Verenice Carvajal, the course for children is NOT SUFFICIENT for working with adults. A very small percentage of adults can activate EOV naturally.

Therefore, the new format of the course for adults uses different methodology than the course for children. It is still based on the processing of 10 important subconscious images, but it is now supplemented with relaxation, cleansing, and meditation exercises that are used exclusively for this course and help not only to activate EOV, but also to make other positive changes that are incorporated into the person’s life.

The change in the form of the course has two main reasons:

1) Adults need to go deeper and it is necessary to guide them to be able to understand the origin that caused their subconscious images. With children, it is not as important to know the origin, because they have not yet built so many negative experiences on their bad patterns, and they can easily replace these patterns with new, ideal ones.

2) Adults need to reconnect with their true, eternal, and real identity. The one they had before birth into the physical body, and the one they will have after the physical body stops existing at the material level. We gradually lose this true identity after birth due to the way we are raised, not only at home, but also in school, in society, at work, etc. A simple and effective way to reconnect with our True Self is to work on expanding our consciousness. Children and teenagers are still close to their True Self and for this reason, no additional techniques and exercises are necessary for them.

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Number of lessons:
Duration of a lesson:
1 hour
Course price:
20 000,– Kč
Mask price:
650,– Kč

Nature has equipped us with two brain hemispheres. Each of them has different abilities, however, in the last three centuries we have given more preference to the left, logically and analytically oriented hemisphere. Thanks to this, we have helped ourselves to a high standard of living and refined technologies. Logic allows us to work only with known facts, which necessarily have to be incomplete, otherwise there would be no development or research. Only intuition can look beyond the unknown. Therefore, our courses are not only focused on working with intuition, but also on the ability to acquire holistic thinking and significantly develop the potential of the right hemisphere, the creative and intuitive one.

In the lessons, we consciously use mental techniques to connect our three Selves:

  1. Human Self – our material body, imperfect, limiting part.
  2. Perfect Self – our energetic body, perfect part on the level of Spirit.
  3. Divine Self – our essential body, our Being.

The goal is to learn to live in these three levels of existence consciously, so that we can use them for our own benefit, but also be able to function in and understand the world around us. The goal is to acquire the idea that we are creators of our own reality, that we bear responsibility for everything we experience and how we deal with it.

The benefits of the conscious connection of these three parts:

 1. On the level of the material body we will be:

  • more sensitive to all sensations from the material world, because our human part will be purified.
  • stronger, faster, more skillful and capable thanks to the presence of our perfect part.
  • consciously and meaningfully live our purpose on Earth.

2. The mind will be:

  • able to think better
  • more intuitive. We will gain access to knowledge from other levels of existence that the human part has not learned through its 5 senses.
  • wise, because Being has untold knowledge and abilities.

3. Emotions will be:

  • more balanced, not as explosive.
  • support kindness to all and everything
  • more empathetic

4. Consciousness will be:

  • open, aware of its own existence
  • connected to the higher level of consciousness, feeling the oneness with everything and able to experience and perceive the truth of the universe

The course includes practical exercises and meditations, which help to develop the potential of the right hemisphere and to achieve a harmonious balance between the left and right hemisphere. The course also includes the use of a special mask, which helps to achieve deeper relaxation and to access the subconscious.

This course is not only for adults but also for children. For adults, it is not a requirement to have completed the EOV 1 course, as activation of extraocular vision (EOV) is not necessary.


The course can be taken individually, but the recommended number of participants is 2 to 3.


If you are the parent of a child who has already completed the EOV course, we recommend taking this course together. Additionally, a discount of 5,000 CZK is provided for the parents of children in the course.

Fill out the form and we will contact you!

The afternoon workshop “why me?”

1. 3. 2023 PARDUBICE
number of vacancies:
Number of lessons:
Duration of a lesson:
5 hours
Course price:
3 000,– Kč

Do you ever ask yourself “WHY ME? Why the same things keep happening to me over and over again? Why don’t I have what I want?”

The answer to how the law of attraction works and how to WISH RIGHT so that it works in your favor… that is what this afternoon workshop will give you.

We will touch upon the topics of love, health, success, money, and forgiveness, which is not always well understood and grasped. In the practical session participants will go through a transformative meditation of the 10 bodies, which helps effectively unravel and remove negative emotional baggage that affects us in the present and prevents us from living or having what we want.

After the meditation, there will be an opportunity for those interested to try working with a mask and activating the EOV – extraocular vision.

Time:  3pm to 7pm


February 21st – PARDUBICE

February 22nd – PRAGUE

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Training course for instructors of extraocular vision (eov) for children

04. – 07. 05. 2023
number of vacancies:
Course price:
45 000,– Kč

Do you want to spread the unique Mexican methodology Viendo por el Mundo with us and for this purpose educate children and, like us, provide courses for mind development, perception and extraocular vision (EOV)? Then you’re in the right place 🙂

Upon completion of the “Instructor of Mental Development, Awareness and Extraocular Vision 1” course, the participant will be qualified as a “Pre-Certified VEO Instructor” (that is, an EOV Instructor before certification). To obtain the status of “Certified VEO Instructor” (Certified EOV Instructor), it is necessary to meet the required practice with 5 children within 8 months of the course completion, where it is necessary to activate EOV.

The price includes the course, all necessary materials and supplies, including coffee breaks. The course takes place over 4 days with a time range from 9 am to 2 pm and from 3 pm to 6 pm. In addition to teaching you the EOV methodology, you will try to develop extrasensory perception – extraocular vision yourself, go through processing a series of subconscious images that can affect your relationship not only with yourself but also with your surroundings, and go through a unique 10-body transformative meditation that deeply cleanses not only fears, but also traumas or emotional stress.

Food and accommodation are not included in the course fee and each participant must pay for it themselves.

To participate in the course, it is also necessary to find a minimum of 1 child aged 6-12 for the afternoon practice at the course, with whom each instructor will subsequently continue to work at home to meet the required practice.

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Training course for instructors of extraocular vision (eov) for children Bratislava Slovakia

23. - 26. 03. 2023
number of vacancies:
Course price:
45 000,– Kč

Do you want to spread the unique Mexican methodology Viendo por el Mundo with us and for this purpose educate children and, like us, provide courses for mind development, perception and extraocular vision (EOV)? Then you’re in the right place 🙂

Upon completion of the “Instructor of Mental Development, Awareness and Extraocular Vision 1” course, the participant will be qualified as a “Pre-Certified VEO Instructor” (that is, an EOV Instructor before certification). To obtain the status of “Certified VEO Instructor” (Certified EOV Instructor), it is necessary to meet the required practice with 5 children within 8 months of the course completion, where it is necessary to activate EOV.

The price includes the course, all necessary materials and supplies, including coffee breaks. The course takes place over 4 days with a time range from 9 am to 2 pm and from 3 pm to 6 pm. In addition to teaching you the EOV methodology, you will try to develop extrasensory perception – extraocular vision yourself, go through processing a series of subconscious images that can affect your relationship not only with yourself but also with your surroundings, and go through a unique 10-body transformative meditation that deeply cleanses not only fears, but also traumas or emotional stress.

Food and accommodation are not included in the course fee and each participant must pay for it themselves.

To participate in the course, it is also necessary to find a minimum of 1 child aged 6-12 for the afternoon practice at the course, with whom each instructor will subsequently continue to work at home to meet the required practice.

Location : Areal Zdravia Rozalka Pezinok


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Training course for instructors of extraocular vision (eov) for adults

07. 01. 2023
number of vacancies:
Duration of a lesson:
1 day
Course price:
7 600,– Kč

This course is an extension of the EOV instructor course and is exclusively intended for certified instructors under the Viendo por el Mundo Association. It can be used in practice for working with adults. The condition of participating in the course is to have taught at least 15 children.

The main theme will be the new EOV COURSE FOR ADULTS, work with meditations of the 10 bodies, including a morning workshop on the topic of LOVE, HEALTH, MONEY AND SUCCESS.

Why is the EOV course for adults different from the EOV course for children? The EOV course for children, as it is set up, is, from the perspective of Viendo por el Mundo’s CEO, Verenice Carvajal, INADEQUATE for working with adults.

Only a very small percentage of adults can activate the EOV naturally. Reason, ego and greater emotional stress block us. That’s why a different methodology is used in the course for adults, still based on processing the 10 important subconscious images, but now supplemented with relaxation, cleansing and meditation exercises, which are exclusively intended for this course and help not only activate the EOV but also bring about other positive changes that are transferred to the life of the person.

The price includes the EOV methodology manual for adults.

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To be released soon.